Wednesday 14 August 2013

Weekly feedback week 3

Weekly feedback - week 3

Check the tamper-proof seal, make sure that it is able to be opened.

A product's packaging can save money when only the geometry of the lid part is altered to add/create another function compared to a competitor's packaging.

Ginny- your drink bottle concept doesnt seem to have much of an improvement in accessibilty, if anything, it actually makes it harder becaus now the new handle stops general users from using it because it will hit their chin when they drink from it

Lubar- your tuna can concept, the improvements you've made to the packaging is pretty much just an added tool, and the plastic required looks excessive.

Listening to tom- 
Do your research about particular technology parts if you plan to use them or something similar in your design, look into who's using that technology.
Why havent other companies in that industry used that technology for their packaging.
Are there any negative observations of this part?

For next week-
Plan to get my work done earlier and look more into tuna packaging and canned foods in general, why dont they have expiry dates?

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