Monday 12 March 2012

The 11th Hour- presented by Leonardo Di Caprio

This documentary presentation is compiled from a series of interviews conducted, asking scientists and other industry experts about climate change and their opinions on climate change.
One of the segments that I found particularly interesting was the segment talking about ‘current sunlight’ and ‘hidden sunlight’, and how prior to the industrial revolution and the discovery of ‘hidden sunlight (fossil fuels)’ the world’s population, dependent upon ‘current sunlight’, could only maintain a world population of about 1 billion people due to the limit of energy attained from the current sunlight, thus having a limit as to how much food/crops could be grown each year roughly. But as for fossil fuels, this was considered ‘hidden sunlight’ because it was an alternative source of energy thought to be energy from the sun trapped away over millions of years, after the discovery and global increase of fossil fuel usage, the world population hit 2 billion by 1930, and 3 billion between 1930 and 1960.
Another point that I found interesting was how human beings have changed, we’ve lost touch with nature and struggle to live in harmony with it most of the time, we mainly gain our knowledge in this new era from the different man-made media that we expose ourselves to, and we no longer learn from natural experiences we have exploring the natural world.

The third point that I found interesting was about the air pollution and ocean pollution that has accumulated over the past centuries and the result of climate change and global warming. After so many years of global warming, the evidence has been made clear, and we have lost the battle against global warming for the past 30 years, but what is stopping change? Human Behaviour.
There is a percentage of the world population which is attempting to change the fate of the earth, the scientist, environment conscious designers and anyone else who has taken the time to think about the future of the earth, another percentage of the world population are world leaders- they should be leading the world to commit to change for a better earth, but instead are being held back because of economical reasons, which leads me to the next percentage of the world population- corporations, large global corporations especially petroleum companies have the power over world leaders because they have the fossil fuels, and which is what most of the world runs on and has been running on for the past century. The remaining percentage is the rest of the world population, which is simply are too lazy, unaware of, or think that their contribution to change is too small and will not make a difference.  The worst part about all this, is that as human beings, we have a tendency to not realise what we have lost until it is truly gone.

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